Summer Experience

Gaining valuable experience in a few months from skilled professionals.

The summer experience at Bereskin & Parr helps familiarize first- or second-year law students with the IP process to gain a versatile skill set and launch their careers in IP law. Our students engage in innovation-focused activities enabling them to fulfil their professional purpose and bridge the gap between academia and practice. We provide training, mentoring and experiential learning and regularly conduct seminars on IP-related matters and subjects relative to students’ learning goals and areas of expertise.

Through our mentoring efforts, we help students tap into their talents, build cross-cultural competence, and put their knowledge into practice in their involvement in client-facing roles. During the summer term, every student is assigned a mentor who provides them with guidance and institutional knowledge. Mentors work closely with other professionals in the firm to provide constructive feedback valuable to students’ learning and progress. Dedication, commitment, work ethic and attitude, and a passion for pursuing a career in IP are significant determinants of students’ eligibility for the summer program at B&P. We are always interested in hearing from students and understanding their experiences and perspectives to help them build their strengths and identify what sets them apart.

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