
Bereskin & Parr Recognized in IAM Patent 1000 – 2024

June 3, 2024

We are pleased to announce that Bereskin & Parr was recognized in the IAM Patent 1000 – 2024 in the following categories:

  • Prosecution – Gold ranking
  • Litigation  – Silver ranking
  • Transactions – Bronze ranking

Congratulations to the following professionals who have made the final selection in the 2024 edition of the IAM Patent 1000:

  • Adam Bobker
  • Noel Courage
  • Carmela De Luca
  • Michael Fenwick
  • Patricia Folkins
  • Louis-Pierre Gravelle
  • Micheline Gravelle
  • Jason Hynes
  • Victor Krichker
  • Alfred Macchione
  • Andrew McIntosh
  • Scott MacKendrick
  • Philip Mendes da Costa
  • Scott Pundsack
  • James Raakman
  • Bhupinder Randhawa
  • Joshua Spicer
  • Robert Storey
  • Melanie Szweras

IAM Patent 1000 – About Bereskin & Parr:

“Bereskin & Parr’s IP team of more than 75 lawyers and agents is well known on the Canadian IP scene, and they deliver top-notch counsel throughout the whole spectrum of IP services. On the prosecution front, Melanie SzwerasPatricia Folkins and Carmela De Luca have been busy filing and prosecuting patent applications for the University of Saskatchewan as well as providing it with strategic advice. The trio operates in the life sciences and chemical space, alongside Scott PundsackMichael Fenwick and Micheline Gravelle. Pundsack is a seasoned professional with excellent judgement and has repeatedly delivered exceptional results for his following; Fenwick prioritises maintaining long-term, multi-year relationships. He also leads the psychedelic practice group. Of late, Victor Krichker and Noel Courage have been managing the worldwide patent portfolio of a leading frozen food company, and the strategic and articulate Alfred Macchione is held in universally high esteem among peers in the profession. Heading up the engineering and technology group, Bhupinder Randhawa recently assisted a leading credit card company with all of its Canadian prosecution work. He delivers great results based on very close knowledge of his patrons’ inventions and technologies. Bringing more than four decades of expertise to the table, Robert Storey is an engineering and computer software ace who displays a remarkable level of skill. On the mechanical front, Jason Hynes and Philip Mendes da Costa offer strategic filing tailored to their clientele’s business objectives. They get to the heart of the issue straightaway and their depth of insight is outstanding. Co-leading the quantum technologies group, Louis-Pierre Gravelle has been working with litigation whizz Scott MacKendrick on a patent infringement matter for construction company Les Fibres Serden, concerning a patent relating to the rack used in attaching ladders to commercial vehicles. Teaming up to represent a leading agricultural company in a patent infringement case, Andrew McIntosh and Adam Bobker successfully protected their client’s rights. James Raakman and Joshua Spicer round out the contentious squad. They are skilled disputers who bring their litigation abilities to bear on a wide range of sectors.”

Learn more about IAM Patent 1000


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