IP Update: Subject Matter, Strategy and More
Join Bereskin & Parr on Thursday, February 27, as we discuss hot topics in IP including CRISPR, Cannabis, AI as well as trade secrets and patent strategies! Sessions will be offered in the morning and afternoon with a complimentary breakfast and lunch. Please feel free to join us for any or all of the sessions by contacting marketing@bereskinparr.com.
Location: MaRS Discovery District
8:30 a.m. | Registration and Continental Breakfast
MORNING SESSION – Moderated by Micheline Gravelle
9:00 a.m. | Life Sciences Update – Patenting Life Science Inventions and Extending Patent Terms
Melanie Szweras
9:40 a.m. | CRISPR IP – Battles and Other Patent Tribulations
Carmela De Luca
10:20 a.m. | Coffee Break
10:35 a.m. | Cannabis Update: Patenting and Regulatory Requirements for Edibles
Laurence MacPhie and Amanda Branch
11:20 a.m. | Trade Secrets from Biotech to High Tech
Noel Courage
12:00 p.m. | One Hour Networking Lunch
AFTERNOON SESSION – Moderated by Bhupinder Randhawa
1:00 p.m. | Managing IP Risks
Cameron Gale
1:40 p.m. | Designing and Implementing a Cohesive IP Strategy
Victor Krichker
2:20 p.m. | Coffee Break
2:40 p.m. | Artificial Intelligence IP Update
Joanna Ma
3:20 p.m. | Leveraging & Enforcing IP
Bhupinder Randhawa
4:00 p.m. | Closing Remarks