Patents give creative minds the power to succeed.
Nicholas Aitken

Nicholas Aitken

NIH-kuh-luhss Ay-kin



About Nicholas

Nick Aitken is counsel with Bereskin & Parr LLP in the Electrical & Computer Technology and Mechanical & Industrial Processes Groups. His practice focuses on patents and industrial designs (design patents).

Nick drafts and prosecutes Canadian, US, and international patent/design applications to grant, and advises clients on international filing strategies, patent validity, and patent infringement (freedom to operate). With a degree in mechanical engineering, Nick has expertly assisted clients in a variety of technological fields, including:

– industrial food and beverage processing equipment
– household consumer products (kitchen appliances, child safety, HVAC, cleaning, furniture, smart home devices)
– construction equipment and building systems
– renewable energy systems (solar, wind, wave)
– medical devices and imaging
– cryptocurrency mining equipment
– cannabis accessories (vaporizers)
– agricultural/farming equipment
– gaming devices and accessories
– clothing
– firefighting equipment
– aerial vehicles (drones)
– rapid prototyping (3D printers)

Outside of work, Nick is a “maker” – winning 3D printed design contests, building electronics, coding software, creating custom clothing, and automating his smart home. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” – Thomas A. Edison.


  • J.D., University of Toronto, 2011
  • Mech. Eng. (Hons.), University of Waterloo, 2008


  • Registered Canadian Patent Agent, 2014
  • Registered United States Patent Agent, 2014
  • Admitted to the Ontario Bar, 2012


  • Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC)
  • Law Society of Ontario (LSO)
  • College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents (CPATA)
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