
Noel Courage coauthored article “Evolution of law schools: What practising lawyers should know”, published in The Lawyer’s Daily

September 9, 2020

Noel Courage and Sari Graben coauthored an article “Evolution of law schools: What practising lawyers should know”, published in The Lawyer’s Daily. Sari Graben is associate dean, Ryerson Faculty of Law.

There are a lot of interesting initiatives happening at law schools. If you have been too busy practising to pay close attention, this article will get you back up to speed and give you some insights into how it might affect you.

New law schools are coming on stream

After decades without a new law school in Canada, three new law schools opened in the last 10 years. Many lawyers are only vaguely aware that Thompson Rivers, Lakehead and Ryerson all started new programs. Memorial is making plans to do the same.

The reason lawyers generally care about these changes is that new schools add more lawyers to the market, which can mean more competition for market share. Whether the relative increase in the number of lawyers already trained by current law schools and trained abroad is economically significant depends on practice area and geography.

Click here to read full article.

This article was first published by The Lawyer’s Daily on September 3, 2020.


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