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February 14, 2024
2023 Year in Review: Intellectual Property Litigation
By R. Scott MacKendrick and Andrew McIntosh
March 2, 2023
2022 Year in Review: IP Litigation
Andrew McIntosh and Martin Brandsma
March 1, 2022
2021 Year in Review: IP Litigation
By Adam Bobker, Andrew McIntosh, Martin Brandsma and Nyrie Israelian
October 1, 2021
Federal Court of Appeal Offers Further Guidance on Elevated Costs Awards
By: Andrew McIntosh, Bruna Kalinoski, and Mitchel Fleming
July 7, 2021
2021 Canadian Pharma Litigation Mid-Year Recap: Key Takeaways from the Year So Far
By Andrew McIntosh, Martin Brandsma and Raffi Dergalstanian
June 11, 2021
Federal Court of Appeal Affirms Site-Blocking Order in Teksavvy Case
By Andrew McIntosh, Bruna Kalinoski and Raffi Dergalstanian
May 4, 2021
Federal Court of Appeal Affirms Minister’s Decision that CSP Eligibility Requires Claim for Active Ingredients and Excludes Formulations Claims
By Andrew McIntosh and Bruna Kalinoski
March 24, 2021
Nearly 400-Year-Old English Statute of Monopolies Not Applicable to Damage Claim Under Canada’s Patented Drug Regime
By Andrew McIntosh and Martin Brandsma
March 10, 2021
Litigation Strategy Defines Large Cost Award in Pharma Patent Infringement Case
By Andrew McIntosh and Martin Brandsma
February 22, 2021
Federal Court Dismisses Limitation Period Defence in Patent Infringement Action under Section 8.2 of the PM(NOC) Regulations
By Andrew McIntosh and Bruna Kalinoski
January 27, 2021
Federal Court of Appeal Cautions Against Use of Foreign Prosecution History
By Andrew McIntosh and Shuo Xing
January 12, 2021
Court Rejects Attempt to “Stretch” Patent Claim Language
By Andrew McIntosh and Martin Brandsma

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December 9, 2020
Federal Court of Appeal Clarifies that a “Direct Impact” is Required to Obtain Leave to Appeal Interlocutory Orders in PM(NOC) Actions
By Andrew McIntosh and Martin Brandsma
August 18, 2020
Interlocutory Injunctions – Rare, but not Extinct
By Andrew McIntosh and Suzie Suliman
May 1, 2020
Court Scrutiny of Demand Letters: Threat or Promise?
By Andrew McIntosh and Adam Bobker
February 14, 2020
2019 Litigation Year in Review
By Andrew McIntosh, Anastassia Trifonova and Laura MacDonald
August 1, 2019
Balancing Efficiency and Compressed Timelines: Two Years into the Amended Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations
By Andrew McIntosh and Joshua Spicer
February 7, 2019
2018 Year in Review: Litigation
By Andrew McIntosh, Amrita V. Singh and Anastassia Trifonova
August 23, 2018
Advantages Making the Federal Court of Canada an Increasingly Desirable Forum for Intellectual Property Disputes
By Andrew McIntosh, Joshua Spicer and Adam Bobker
August 22, 2018
HERCEPTIN Patents Survive Preliminary Non-Infringement Challenge in the First Motion Under Section 6.08 of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations
By Andrew McIntosh
August 10, 2018
Did You Unintentionally Just Settle? A Cautionary Reminder to be Objectively Clear in Your Negotiations
By Andrew McIntosh 
June 12, 2018
Market Share Used to Establish Sales a Patentee “Could and Would” Have Made but for Infringement: Grenke v DNOW Canada ULC
By Joshua W. Spicer and Andrew McIntosh
April 4, 2018
Motion to Vary Confidentiality Restrictions in PM(NOC) Case Can Only be Brought After Action is Commenced
March 29, 2018
Collett v. Northland – “Retribution and Denunciation” for Egregious Infringement that Raises Questions On the Scope of Copyright and Moral Rights

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